
How to Protect Your Home While on Vacation


When preparing for a vacation, it’s essential to ensure your home remains safe during your absence. An obviously unoccupied home can become an easy target for burglars. Along with having a security system, making it appear that someone is home can significantly lower the risk of break-ins and theft.

According to ADT, most burglaries occur between 10 am and 3 pm, especially during summer months. While burglaries can happen anytime, homes are particularly vulnerable during summer vacations, winter holidays, and long holiday weekends when people are likely to be away.

The FBI reports that a burglary occurs every 25.7 seconds in the U.S., resulting in over $3 billion in property losses annually. To make your home less attractive to burglars, you can take two key steps: install a security system and create the illusion that someone is home.

Learn more about whether homeowners insurance covers theft.

Here are seven tips to help protect your home and make it appear occupied while you’re away:

  1. Install a Home Security System: Invest in a reliable security system with cameras and motion detectors. A study by the University of North Carolina (UNC) found that visible security systems can deter 50% of potential burglars. Remote monitoring via your cell phone allows you to keep an eye on your home from anywhere.
  2. Set Up Security Lighting: Use smart light timers for both interior and exterior lights that can be controlled remotely. Program interior lights to turn on and off at different times to give the impression that someone is home.
  3. Pause Mail, Newspapers, and Package Deliveries: Accumulated mail and newspapers signal an empty house. Temporarily stop deliveries or ask a neighbor to collect them and check on your house periodically.
  4. Maintain Your Yard: Ensure lawn and garden care continues while you’re away. Dying plants and an unkempt lawn can indicate an unoccupied home.
  5. Use Smart Timers for Electronics: Set timers to turn on TVs and radios at various times. The sound of activity can deter burglars by making it seem like someone is home.
  6. Get a House Sitter: Having someone stay at your home to care for pets and plants can be a great way to ensure your home’s security. Websites like House Sitters America and Trusted House Sitters connect homeowners with people willing to house-sit. Alternatively, ask a neighbor to check on your home, water your plants, and park their car in your driveway.
  7. Be Cautious on Social Media: Avoid posting about your trip until you return. Sharing your location can signal to potential burglars that your home is empty.

Final Steps Before Leaving for an Extended Vacation

Before heading out on a long trip, ensure you’ve taken these final steps to secure your home:

  • Secure Valuables and Cash: Lock them in a safe or safety deposit box.
  • Collect Spare Keys: Retrieve any hidden outside keys and store them securely.
  • Clean Out Your Refrigerator: Dispose of perishable items to avoid returning to unpleasant odors.
  • Check All Doors and Windows: Ensure they are locked. Leave some curtains partially open to make it look like someone is home. The UNC study found that 25% of homeowners leave doors unlocked and 35% leave a first-floor window unlatched.

Following these steps can provide peace of mind while you travel, knowing your home is protected. For more information on how homeowners insurance can help safeguard your property, visit NavSav Homeowners Insurance. Enjoy your vacation with the confidence that your home is secure.

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